Abelson: "What did you think about the recent guerrilla marketing campaign for Comedy Central in which electronically lit signs depicting a cartoon character were mistaken for bombs, spreading panic throughout Boston?"
Kaplan: "It is astonishing to me that it actually got implemented. The level of irresponsibility is astounding to me and I thought it was very amateurish."
You want to know what I think is 'very amateurish'? Not checking your facts before you send your article to print. It wasn't Comedy Central it was Cartoon Network...it's an honest mistake I mean, they both start with "C".
Another thing that's really amateurish is not taking into account that many ad shops have to outsource their guerrilla marketing tactics. If it was up to the average suit dress advertiser there wouldn't even be guerrilla marketing. Can you picture these people making wheat paste and putting posters up at 3am? Bottom line if you want something done right do it yourself. If you can't do it yourself then you better oversee the process from beginning to end.
The rest of the interview runs tepid with the usual "What do you think of user generated content?" Gag me with a spoon.
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