"Camel racing is a popular sport in the Arab States and Australia. Professional camel racing, like horse racing, is an event for betting and tourist attraction. Camels can run at speeds up to 65 km in short sprints and they can maintain a speed of 40km for an hour.
Camels are often controlled by child jockeys, but allegations of human rights abuses have led to nationwide bans on underage labor in the UAE and Qatar. Recent controversy over the enslavement of children has led to increased use of robot-controlled camels.."
Ok so robot jockeys sounds like a good solution right? WRONG! Further research reveled this on Wired.com:
"...Islam forbids representations of the human form: The robots could be considered graven images, inducements to idolatry."

Now none of this makes any sense. I'm pretty sure the Koran forbids gambling. Isn't that a more serious infringment than making a robot look semi human? Thoughts?
Wired article